Finally!!! I’m back with my favorite features on my blog! Yay!

This is just an extension of My Top 5 Book Bloggers and it is purely about my Top 3 favorite bookish posts for this week. 🙂


* WEEK 5 *


– 1 –

Pick Me Up Playlist || Fun Tag

by Jenna of | Visit the post here

This post is so timely. I mean, January is a very tough month for me already. It feels like all my problems are eating me alive and I’m having trouble falling asleep every night. I just hope this “overthinking habit” of mine will leave me alone, as soon as possible. Thank you, Jenna. I enjoy each music on this post and I’m grateful to you for sharing these!


– 2 –

Contemporary-A-Thon Announcement + Challenges | Round Four

by Melanie of | Visit the post here

OMG. I just realized that it’s you again this time! Haha. I know, I’m late but I’m still so excited to watch your YouTube videos!!!


– 3 –

Day-A-Thon And 24in48 Read-A-Thon TBR

by Misty of | Visit the post here

Looks fun! Good luck on your readathons!!



L E T ‘ S   C H A T !

Don’t forget to visit their posts and show them some LOVE!

Stay tuned for Week 6! It might be your bookish blog posts next week. 😉


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